Broad Bean and Borage Salad with Fried Sea Bream



600g sea bream fillets
200g broad bean pods
300g broad beans
200g broad bean tips
Broad bean flowers, to taste
borage flowers, to taste
200ml virgin olive oil
100ml white wine vinegar
fleur de sel


Boil or (better) steam the broad bean pods and beans in salted water. Once slightly cooled, shell the beans and set to one side.

Sauté the broad bean tips in olive oil, then add the pods and beans. Season with olive oil, vinegar and fleur de sel. Garnish with broad bean flowers and borage.

Season the sea bream fillets with salt. Fry (skin side down) in olive oil. Turn the filets over and cook for another few seconds then serve with the broad bean salad.

Chef: Bertílio Gomes
Livro: Algarve Mediterrânico

Maria Manuel Valagão, Vasco Célio, Bertílio Gomes