Velvet Crab

This crab, with a flat, dark brown shell covered with short fur, is known for its aggressive behaviour. Look out for your fingers! Its diet is omnivorous, being composed of brown seaweeds, bivalve molluscs and crustaceans. The Velvet Crab offers us, no doubt, one of the best ways to feel the sea aroma at the table! We want to quote Miguel Esteves Cardoso: “They give as a lot of work for very few rewarding. You have to hammer, sharpen, pinch and suck like a crazy person to get a little strand of transcended deliciousness”

Vicentina Coast, South-west coast, Peniche and other areas with rocky bottoms.

Vicentina Coast, South-west coast, Peniche and other areas with rocky bottoms.



August to December (biological defense period between 15th February and 15th of June

August to December (biological defense period between 15th February and 15th of June

small 60-100g; big 100-150g

small 60-100g; big 100-150g

