
It can be short or long. That is how we learned it 40 years ago in Vila do Bispo, once the capital of the sea barnacle sale, on the Vicentina coast. “Percebereiro”, that’s how the Nobel and peculiar profession of these heroes of the sea is called, that climb rocky cliffs, jump between rocks, go down on ropes with just one purpose: bring to us the one considered by many the king. From the Vicentina Coast to the Berlengas, what matters is freshness. The fresher, the more elegant and soft and smooth is the flavour. But we can only catch this delicacy when the tides are favourable and when we have full or new moon

Algarve Windward and Vicentina Coast

Algarve Windward and Vicentina Coast

Manual catch | Apnea dive

Manual catch | Apnea dive

December to September (biological defense period from 15 of September to 15 of December)

December to September (biological defense period from 15 of September to 15 of December)

small, medium, large

small, medium, large

Boiled | Raw

Boiled | Raw