Ria Formosa Oysters

Many say it tastes like the sea. More than that, they taste like the sea and Rias. In this case the Ria Formosa. Technically we would say that the oysters have a soft body, protected by a highly calcified shell. But more and more the oysters are the symbioses between the oyster and the oyster farmer. A beautiful shell, a well fed oyster (fat), has at its origin someone that knows and loves what he does. We know these people is whom we trust and we buy our oysters from people that were born and grew up with the Ria and spend all day taking care of this sensitive and special bivalve.

Ria Formosa

Ria Formosa – Algarve



Available all year. In spring they tend to be slimmer.

Available all year. In spring they tend to be slimmer.

normal T3 (65-85g); limited orders T2 (85-100g)

normal T3 (65-85g); limited orders T2 (85-100g)

Boiled | Raw

Boiled | Raw