Lesser Sliper Lobster

Also known as “Witch”, “Ferreirinha” and Sea cricket, Santiago or Small slipper lobster, this species inhabits between 4 and 50 meters down on rocky or muddy subtracts. In the old days, the boast would bring this delicacy to the National auctions, caught with traps with short mesh (now a days it is forbidden). Today, the rare pieces that come to us are caught in the Vicentina coast by licenced divers. It is a sea precious that knocks on the door of few!

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco - www.peixeaporta.pt

Vicentina coast

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco - www.peixeaporta.pt

Manual catch, by diving or apnea

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco - www.peixeaporta.pt

Available sporadically all over the year and in minimal quantities

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco - www.peixeaporta.pt

small 25-40g; medium 40-50g; big 50-60g

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco - www.peixeaporta.pt

Boiled | Grilled