Galician Mussels

A good mussel has a tasty and fat core! The resources of the Galician Rias and its “up-welling” phenomenon (the organic matter originated on the bottom of the ocean is forced to rise throughout the vales of the rias) makes the mussels grow with a unique flavour. These mussels are ideal to have on the table at dinners or family and friend lunches, as a snack, entry, side dish or main course. Prepared the Sailor’s style, vinaigrette, with onions or is a cataplana… It is an excellent shellfish to inspire the creation of new dishes in the kitchen!

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Galicia (Low Rias)

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Ropes hanging from floating structures

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

July to April

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

big 25-30pcs/kg; medium 30-40pcs/kg; small 40-60 pcs/kg

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Opened by steam | Boiled | Vinaigrette | Cataplana