Galician Mussels

A good mussel has a tasty and fat core! The resources of the Galician Rias and its “up-welling” phenomenon (the organic matter originated on the bottom of the ocean is forced to rise throughout the vales of the rias) makes the mussels grow with a unique flavour. These mussels are ideal to have on the table at dinners or family and friend lunches, as a snack, entry, side dish or main course. Prepared the Sailor’s style, vinaigrette, with onions or is a cataplana… It is an excellent shellfish to inspire the creation of new dishes in the kitchen!

Galicia (Low Rias)

Galicia (Low Rias)

Ropes hanging from floating structures

Ropes hanging from floating structures

July to April

July to April

big 25-30pcs/kg; medium 30-40pcs/kg; small 40-60 pcs/kg

big 25-30pcs/kg; medium 30-40pcs/kg; small 40-60 pcs/kg

Opened by steam | Boiled | Vinaigrette | Cataplana

Opened by steam | Boiled | Vinaigrette | Cataplana