Fresh scarlet Shrimp

Its Portuguese name “Carabineiro” was originated due to the pointy spike on its head – it reminds of a Carabine. On the Portuguese coast it is mainly fished in the Algarve and the Vicentina Coast by trawl nets. What makes the scarlet shrimp so special? Its purple red colour, the fact that it can grow up to 30 cm and its unique flavour. By many international star Chefs it is considered the most delicious shrimp they know and have ever tasted. Grill it with some salt and you will have an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Algarve, Vicentina Coast/South-West Alentejo

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Deep trawls

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

All year – except January (biological defense period)

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

120-180g; 80-120g; 60-80g;

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Grilled | In the pan | Rice