Dover Sole

Internationally known as “dover sole” or legitimate sole. In Portugal, we call it “Rusty sole” due to the yellow spots it has throughout its body. The doer sole inhabits in much deeper areas than the other soles, known by the fisherman as “Deep sole” or “Mud sole”. The fact that they live in such deep zones, subjected to high pressures, makes the meat quite firm and muscular. It is great for filets and has been widely used in countries like France, England, and United Kingdom. In Portugal it is found almost all over the mainland coast.

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Algarve coast, Setúbal, Sesimbra, Costa da Caparica and Penciche

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Net and Trawls

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

November to March

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

200-300g; 300-400g; 400-600g; 600-800g; 800-1Kg; 1-2kg (rare)

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Grilled | Boiled | Fried