Atlantic Bonito

Welcome to the world of the small tunas! For those who prefer a small tuna with a lighter and softer meat, this is an excellent option. Like any other tuna, these fish are in constant migration. Therefore, its availability is not constant. Traditionally, the bonito can be fried or grilled in slices. But in sashimi or ceviche, it is a great option for the warmer days. The important thing is to consume it very fresh. Sneak a look into Chef Bertilio Gomes’s recipe: Atlantic Bonito with lemon and broad bean nozzles or tubers and roots with Atlantic bonito.

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Algarve coast, Sines, Sesimbra, Peniche and Azores Island

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Long Line Fishing | Net and Trawls

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

April to May | September to November

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

500-100g; 1-2Kg; 2-3Kg; 3-5Kg

Peixe a Porta - by Nutrifresco -

Raw (sashimi or ceviche) | Grilled | Fried